Book Series

in news
06. 10. 07
posted by: Administrator
Hits: 13381

A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneur's Spirit™ features a series of books of entrepreneurs' true stories written to inspire, educate and empower the reader. The stories include adversities, challenges, triumphs, and successes experienced by the entrepreneur to help readers discover passion and basic principles they can use to live the entrepreneurial dream.

 The book series includes stories from entrepreneurs in the U.S. and throughout the world. The books include stories from entrepreneurs that touch both the heart and the head. Simultaneously, selected Edition Editors will solicit stories related to specific groups of Entrepreneurs. The series includes Volumes I, II, the Women Entrepreneurs' I Edition and the American Indian Women Entrepreneurs’ Edition of A Cup of Cappuccino for the Entrepreneurs' Spirit. An Extraordinary Entrepreneurs’ Edition is forthcoming.